Yellow Tulips

We have just revealed our new challenge on Latitudequilts, and this is my contribution. Our challenge this time is Art Deco.

Tulips are such elegant flowers, simple in shapes and in so many
wonderful colours. And since Art Deco is very simplified, it was a
perfect match for my personal challenge, tulips. Looking through images
from my garden, I settled on the one I used in an earlier challenge,
LOVE, and used it as a template for raw edge applique, with hand dyed
As a background, I used something that reminded me of
radioes from the 1930s, freehand cut and pieced commersial fabrics, on
top of pale green linen.

 The quilting in the background is simply straight lines, the tulips are free hand machinequilted, with French knots.
I am also working on my last textile book with  Ineke Berlyn, I’ll show you as soon as it is finished. 

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