Dying, playing and we are in the middle of August!

Since rust-dying last month, this month I’ve tried dying with natural pigments, cochenille,madder, catechu, bluewood, yellowwood and turmenic.

Here just out of the dye bath and
after it was washed and ironed the colours ended like this: cotton
and silk (mostly)

The bright yellow is turmenic. I had hoped for brighter colours, but not this time. My problem is that I am not good at following precise recipies, I like a more random approach!

Last week I met with some friends for a little workshop, laminating. This is my result:

We had plans for an extra treat, crackeling with flour paste, but time ran out. So I tried it yesterday.
It was a lovely day, so I could dry it in the sun, first the paste
then fabric paint, and at last finished on the washing line:

Last I want to show you my quilts for the Calender with Texnet2, August:

«Between green and blue», 15×15 cm cotton, and
«The reconciliation of the wind in the forest», monoprint using leaves from the garden, 15×32 cm.

Thanks for reading, I hope you have enjoyed this.

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