My Space Your Space Our Space

Latitudequilts have just revealed their latest challenge Space:

My first thought when I saw this theme, were of those wonderful pictures NASA and others have given us from the outer space. Just like some of our hand dyed fabrics, especially some of the ice and snow dyed ones. But of course I needed something more.
In April, my daughter and I had a weekend in London and Manchester. She wanted to go to the Backstreet Boys concert in Manchester, and I wanted to visit the Harry Potter experience at Leavesden.
Well, we went together on both places. And of course, there were a bit of shopping!
Walking in the streets of London, the idea suddenly came to me. This was her space, and mine, and we had them together, so this trip ended as our space.
I decided to use photos I had taken at the concert and during the studio-tour. Transferred them to fabric, cut the in strips and bonded them to some fusible wadding. Unfortunately, the photo transfers were not so bright as I wanted, so I put a piece of blue organza on top to give it a bit more colour. I then finished this part with some stitching on top, running stitches and french knots.
The background fabric I had chosen, emphasizes the colours of the photos. For the quilting, I went for machine-embroidered lettering, inspired by Laura Kemshall. Because of the size, 15″x15″, I could not use too bold letters, but I think I found a font that suits the size. And to give this background a bit more life, I put in some running stitches in some of the letters with the turquoise from the pictures.
Instead of bonding the photo-part to the background, I wanted it to have more depth, so I finished it with a blind fold and attached it loosely with stitches from the back:

Dette er mitt bidrag til siste utfordring fra Latitudequilts, Space. Min første tanke var alle disse vidunderlige bildene NASA og andre viser oss fra verdensrommet. Så lik noen av våre handfargede stoffer, især de som er is eller snøfarget. 
Men jeg trengte noe mer innhold, så jeg kom på weekend-turen til London og Manchester jeg hadde med min datter i april.  Hun ville på Backstreet konsert og jeg ville til Harry Potter studioet i Leavensden. Vel, vi dro sammen begge stedene. Så hennes SPACE og min ble til vår. 
Foto-transfer av bilder jeg tok, litt håndsøm, bakgrunnen er maskinbrodert med bokstaver, og så ble noen av disse forsterket med håndsøm. For å få mer dybde, festet jeg bildet løst med sting fra baksiden.

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