More work from our TexNet2 calender, and a broken arm

Continuing with my work for February.

First my work for February 26th, «So Alone»,15×15 cm, about being alone – having no face:

February 27th, «Only this 1», the wonderful moment out at sea when the sun rises and colour the sky:

You can read more about the project in my last entry, and on our blog;

Since my last entry, I fell on the ice and broke my arm. Unfortunately it is my dominant hand! Just as I was about to start exploring a new theme. So, no sewing, only a little daily drawing with my left arm. I started a new sketchbook, my «Left-hand book», to not just sit and feel sorry for myself, but to get down ideas and thoughts. Not great art, but a challenge in itself.

Hopew you enjoyed this.

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