Christmas is here!

 I just have to face it! Christmas is here, even if I wish I had some extra days to get ready… As always. After weeks of frost, we got snow a week ago. And yesterday it started again. Now we have about 12 cm, and more is comming.. We’ll have a white Christmas this year. (The picture above was taken earlier in December).
But hopefully the temperature now will be acceptable so that my Helleborus can stay outdoor where it is supposed to be.
This December has been very busy for me, as usual ! And on top of it all, I started with the course in Creative Quiltmaking at Design Matters. So I have no problem filling my days, rather wished I had more days… If you want to see, here are two of the pages from my sketchbook, in this first one I used Markal Paintstiks.And in this last one, I sprayed on using stencils:

I wish you all a
 Peaceful Christmas
and a
 Happy New Year

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