New Year with lots of opportunities!

I’m sorry it has been so longe since my last entry, but I’ve been busy working on my Modules for my Certificate in Machine Embroidery with SST, and clearing my house. This spring I’m going to move to the other part of Norway, and of course then I have to clear the house first. Do you know how much we accumulate over years? I have been living in this house for 30 years, a house with much storage-room. Now I am moving to a little house with a little garden closer to my grandchildren, and hopefully away from the rainy Bergen. 276 days with rain in 2015 will not be missed!
So, my days have been more than full with school-work, getting rid of things I do not need and packing.
But in the last two weeks we have had real winter, cold ( -8 degrees C), dry and lots of snow.
Beautiful pink and pale blue days.
I just love how the snow sits on the grass and branches.


And suddenly, I realised I had to use this snow to do some snow-dying. Winter in Bergen is usually grey, wet and windy. And today it looks like we are going back to normal, + 6 degrees C, windy, and the snow is no longer beautiful but getting a dirty grey look.
Well, just in time, yesterday I did some snow dying, snow, dye powder and fabrics.

As usual, I did not measure anything, everything just at random:

Today I have used some time washing and ironing it, and look at these beautiful colours, especially the one to the left

I also put in some lace, these are not 100% cotton, but they do have a subtle beauty I think.

That is all I have for now, I hope it will not take this long befor next time. And thanks for reading.

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