Rust dying and eco-pinting

Since I came back from Birmingham and FOQ,  I have done some rust dying and eco-printing. When I visited my daughter in September, I did rust dying with some gears from an old mangle she has.

Wrapped in cotton fabric, a cup of tea added, and left for a few days, and the result is beautiful

And this piece was just wrapped around the bundle:


Next, getting inspiration in the Wet-studio at FOQ, I just had to try eco-printing.  The bundles from my first attempt

And the result, these first are strips of cotton

 and some Dupon silk I had:

this one looks like a dead forrest

and some lovely purple marks, but not many leaf prints.

Second time it got better.  I put in some chestnut shells and got a beautiful tint of green and lovely marks

Now I just have to figure out how to use them…

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